Ingredients: - Sesame seeds – ½ kg, jaggery – 400gms, cardamom powder – 1 spoon, ghee – 2 spoons.
Method: - Fry the sesame seeds to fine flavor, on constantly stirring. Remove and allow it to cool. Take a wide and thick bottomed skillet, add 1/2 cup of water, dissolve the jaggery and boil till it turns to consistency syrup. Add cardamom, roasted seeds and stir. Allow to cook some more time till you feel it is ready to transfer into a greased plate. When it is little warm (Or it is set), make round balls by applying oil to your hands. KOVA JANGRI

Ingredients: - Black gram – 200gms, rice – 50gms, pinch of red orange color, sugar – ½ kg, kova – 200gms, ghee – to deep fry cardamom – 4.
Method: - Soak the black gram & rice and grind it in to a paste. Take a dish and make syrup of 600 ml, with red orange color. Now pour this syrup in the grinded mixture along with kova and cardamom. Take cotton with a small hole at the centre and the grinded mixture in it. Now heat the ghee in a wide dish. When it gets heated, hold this bag above the surface of oil. Pipe it to make circles starting from the centre. Deep fry on both sides till crispy and golden on both sides. Drain the kova jangris and immerse in sugar syrup for a minute and serve hot / cold.
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