Ingredients: - Basmati rice – ½ kg, ripe chillis – 100gms, ajinomoto – 1 tea spoon, salt – for taste, sugar – 1 spoon, vinegar – 2 spoons, oil – 50gms, onion – 150gms, garlic – 50gms.
Method: - Boil the rice up to 3/4th and turn off the burner. Remove water from it and spread it in a large plate to cool down. Chop the green chillis and mix them with vinegar. Chop the onions in to small pieces. Take a de-pressure pan and heat the oil. Fry the garlic and ginger pieces in the oil. Add the 3/4th boiled rice and turn off the burner when pop sounds begin to hear. Add sugar, salt, chopped onion and stir the mixture. Chilly garlic fried rice is ready to serve.